Business Girl here Looking to Meet..Hyatt (93422, CA, San Luis Obispo County)
35 yr old Girl looking to meet an older guy who's staying at the Hyatt on Lafayette St. I'm safe and sane and honest...Please be casual hookups plus and honest..Please type Older in subject line...Thanks..

Benefits with friends (93422, Atascadero, California)
Hi, Have you ever had a couple that was genuinely your friend with whom you also had sex? That's what we are presenting. Two girls and a boy in bed is an incredible experience. But we want more than just a threesome. We want to become friends with a girl, go out, have some drinks and conversation, maybe dinner, all the time wondering whether the people who see us suspect that we are all finishing the night--naked--together. Our ideal would be a drama free friendship with you, a relationship where we are all getting something. You are not just a way for us to fulfill a fantasy, and we are not just a way for you to try a new thing and forget about it (although it is okay if this is your first time!) About us: She's 5'5', great shape, beautiful, with dark brown hair and green eyes. He’s 5'10' great shape, well endowed with lots of stamina. We're educated, laid back and secure enough with each other to be sure that we have no issues with this. Again, this isn't for him or for her--it casual hookups be for all three of us. You: happy with yourself, fun, fit and confident. Sexy? You know who you are :) Write us.

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Thirsty Thursdays ;) Drinks Alil Sex? (Atascadero, California )
Hello today is Thursdays whoes buying me drinks? I'm a 21 year old female light skin looking to play and have a few drinks im ready to get down in sex hookup maybe have a lil sex I'm clean I love 420. ;) so if your looking to have some fun with me tonight

Sexy White Guy with Tats & Piercings? (93422, Atascadero, CA)
I'm 21, black, & thick (size 14), busty. Look to hang with a sexy rocker type guy. Love tats & piercings. For some reason I love love lip rings. Cute white guys to the front girls looking to hook up the line<3 Anyways, I'm not looking for a one night stand, so don't bo

I Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine... (Atascadero, California )
CUM ON OVER AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF..................................................................................................................................................... XOXO casual hookups

The last singles event at Billie’s had a great attendance. 61 signed up on the local event link – but over 70 came by that night. Since then I’ve had many emails asking to do it again.

BBW seeking long term playmate (93422, Atascadero, CA, San Luis Obispo County)
BBW looking for long term friend with benefits......your pic gets my pic....Im looking for younger guy thats into passion...must be bigger casual hooking up six inches long and caring....really want a good friend and make this a regular thing!!

late night fun (Atascadero, 93422 , San Luis Obispo County)
anyone still up? I feel like I cant satisfy myself tonight. Im cute and can host. lets talk casual sex hookups

re: fun near campus, looking for a FWB, etc...STOP POSTING!! (Atascadero, 93422, CA )
For the love of god, will this guy STOP POSTING SO MUCH?! You have no idea casual hookups sick I am of seeing these posts! He swaps the pictures and wording around every few days but you can always tell it's the same guy. There are 5 posts from him on the first